Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentines Day a day late...

I am lucky to have married a great guy who is a terrific father and husband, and I had to smile when I saw this video. I can remember a time when his plans probably didn't include a wife, four kids, a mortgage (ok, two for now...) and the responsibilities that come with all of the above. Long days at the office, leaky gutters, bathroom re-remodels, broken appliances, and the ever-haunting mystery of the "grease trap" (if you don't know, don't ask) can loom over his head like a thunder cloud...but through it all, he keeps plugging along, always with a funny little comment ("Don't mind the mule, just load it on the wagon") and the presence of mind to always mention how blessed he is. What a great guy.

This video is too good not to share. Hope you enjoy!

"Family Man" from Trevor Little on Vimeo.

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